Wider consultation

Wider consultation allows us to gather many different views. It means that we can collaborate with people who have a range of skills and knowledge. We do our consultation online, so anyone across Scotland can take part. We let you know about opportunities to do this by emailing you once you've registered. The consultation takes place once a draft apprenticeship has been developed.
Why have a wider consultation?
It’s important that people with different interests in apprenticeships can get involved. It also allows people to take part who may not fit into the Technical Expert Group role or have less time to commit.
What's involved?
The consultation usually comes after the employee workshops and Technical Expert Groups (TEGs). You take part online and you can contribute as much or as little as you can manage.
Who can take part?
Anyone who's interested in shaping apprenticeships can take part. You could be:
a former apprentice
an employer
a trade union representative
someone from a professional body
anyone who's interested in the content of the new apprenticeship
It's a great way to help us ensure that apprenticeships are right for you and your industry.
Register your interest
Help to develop apprenticeships for future generations.
Get involved with developing apprenticeshipsEmployers have an increased voice
Stewart McKinlay is Skills Director for the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS). Here he discusses why NMIS wanted to have a say in the new model and how apprenticeship development supports the sector.
The really important thing here is that employers have an increased voice in the way that the framework is developed and that actually gives them better answers for the problems they have because they know them better than any other.
Other ways to help develop apprenticeships

Employee workshops
Employee workshops are a great way to get involved. We're looking for employees who have completed the apprenticeship or have relevant job experience. You'll help us to understand the roles apprentices might do.

Technical Expert Groups (TEGs)
TEGs are employer-led groups made up of industry bodies, employers and trade unions. They're a unique opportunity to influence apprenticeship development in your area of expertise.