IT: Software Development

Foundation Apprenticeship



This Foundation Apprenticeship gives pupils skills to prepare for an IT career. Gaming, virtual reality, cyber security – it's a great time to work in the industry.

With this apprenticeship, pupils will be ready for roles that are in demand now and in the future. They could include:

  • software developer

  • web developer

  • database administrator

  • network manager

Example of course units include:

National Progression Award (NPA)

  • Computing applications: development

  • Computing: authoring a website


  • Investigating and defining customer requirements for IT & telecoms systems 2

  • Data modelling 1

Apprenticeship framework(s)

Successful candidates will achieve a Foundation Apprenticeship in IT: Software Development at SCQF Level 6. This is the same level of learning as an SQA Higher.

SCQF qualification levels explained

Select Level 6 to see the framework document and qualification at that level.

Entry requirements

Pupils don't need formal qualifications for entry. They should have a good level of English and maths and if they've taken a science subject that's an advantage.

Roles in software development are suitable for pupils with:

  • good problem-solving skills

  • an interest in design and creativity

  • attention to detail

The pupil would select a Foundation Apprenticeship as a school subject choice. Then they'd go through a recruitment process arranged by the college, or other learning provider. It's great if you can get involved, too. 

Progression and development

Pupils will get the skills, knowledge and competence to help them move on to:

  • a Modern Apprenticeship in a digital or ICT subject

  • more vocational training

  • further study at school or college

These will help them to prepare for working in ICT.

If you're looking to hire, Foundation Apprenticeships help you spot talented pupils. You can assess their skills on a longer term than a regular interview process would allow.

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How does it work?

During the apprenticeship, each pupil must complete a work placement of about 1 day a week in S6. That helps them build the evidence needed to complete the units from the SVQ. 

It's important that pupils begin employer contact during S5. They'll learn about working for an organisation and using digital skills in the workplace.

Cost and funding

There’s no financial cost to you as an employer because the learner is still at school. But investing your time can bring rewards, with access to talented young people in your workplace.

How long will it take?

It can take 1 year or 2 years. Pupils study a Level 6 Foundation Apprenticeship as one of their school subjects, usually over S5 and/or S6.

What's next

Fill out our contact form and we'll connect you with your local learning provider who can talk to you about working with Foundation Apprenticeships.