Land-based Engineering

Modern Apprenticeship


What's Land-based Engineering like?

Do you have an interest in the outdoors? Do you want to help contribute to an environmentally sustainable future? Study for an apprenticeship in land engineering and be part of a sector that’s focused on the safe management of forests and farming areas.  

The apprenticeship is ideal for anyone who wants to develop specialist agricultural skills. Learn to handle a variety of machines such as lawn mowers, combine harvesters and tractors. Increase your understanding of horticultural techniques like sustainable gardening and plant propagation. Discover how to maintain agricultural equipment and help with the day to day operations on a farm.  

Scotland’s land engineering industry has a range of jobs to choose from. Help to maintain farm equipment as an agriculture technician. Become an arborist and contribute to the safeguarding of trees and forests. Work as a ground care administrator and help to improve the health of soil in different environments.

Entry requirements

There are no set requirements for the apprenticeship. But it is worth having an interest in land-based engineering and a desire to work outdoors.  

How does it work?

You’ll learn in a real-world environment and earn a wage. You’ll also study with a college or another learning provider. 

How long will it take?

This Modern Apprenticeship will take 12 to 24 months to complete.  

How to apply

Use the 'Find vacancies near you' search at the end of this page to look for vacancies, then you can apply online.

You'll apply on or the company’s own website – there are details on the vacancy advert.

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